Tuesday, November 18, 2008


OMEDWARD you guys! These girls are sooo amazingly made of awesome, and you need to check them out ASAIP (As soon as immortally possible)! Starting with their original show, "The Seccret Lives of the Volturi Wives". (The third one is my favorite!)

And also you should check out their equally funny other videos! Like this one....

Let me know what you think!

P.S. I'll probably post this weekend on my thoughts on the movie after the shock has worn off! ;)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Twilight News 11/6/08

Stephenie did an exclusive interview with EW here.

If you buy more then $25 worth of Twilight stuff at Borders you can get a free poster picture from the calender, shouldn't be much of a problem! ;)

Seventeen Mag. is having a Twilight giveaway!

Kristen Stewart was in a two part interview with IF mag.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Twilight News!


Our shy guy Robert Pattinson has been busy lately, doing interviews, like this one he did in Soho last Monday with Catherine Hardwicke, which had a little TMI moment that we are trying to forget, (And which I laugh at every time I hear about it because I think most of us had already guessed as much.) but it's easily done, as once we see this international poster we forget all about it in a flash of fangirly abandon.


Moving right along.... Then Rob got honored at Planet Hollywood, with awkward results, and did a great interview with the Twilighters Anonymous girls all this week! But, as they mention at the top of the interview, at least he'll have the press junket this Saturday to catch up on some R&R! ;)

Speaking of the Twilighters Anonymous girls (Holla!) They've also been busy updating all of their news!!! They have a new article up with a behind the scenes look at the making of the video for Decode by Paramore, which I mentioned in the previous post, off of the new Twilight Soundtrack, AND they added this interview with Catherine Hardwicke regarding the infamous meadow scene!

Seriously, they put tons of effort into updating their site and podcasting and everything so MAJOR twihard kudos to them and their love of the fandom! We all love ya girls!

BTW did I mention the billboard one of their members saw??

I'm not sure that's safe! >_< color="#000000">In Other news, Twilight has been hitting the media harder then ever!

EW has a new article up with 12 things that have helped inspire Stephenie in the writing of Twilight.

USA Today is going to feature Twilight on their special edition cover coming December 16.

AND Twilight is featured in OK magazine and Dolly magazine in Australia!

Just goes to show you how much fan power we have, and it feels great!

Mike Weltch who plays Mike Newton in the movie did an interview with Teen Faze which you can see here.

Borders has a new behind the scenes video.

E! Online wants to know if your ready for Twilght! I know I am! ;)


Monday, November 3, 2008

Video Alert: Decode By Paramore

OMEdward you guys, Twilight Soundtrack. Out Tomarrow. Hyperventalating!!!

So anyways, >_<;; I just watched the new video for Decode by Paramore from the Twilight soundtrack and it's beyond amazing!!! I LOVE how they shot it where the original teaser trailer begining scene was shot, and it was just so visually impressive, I started crying a little! XD But I couldn't help it, and I'm sure you guys understand! it's coming in less then 20 days you guys! Let the screaming commence! Anyways I couldn't be happier with it! >_<>


By the fang, don't forget to let me know how you liked the Vid and the Cd once you get it!!! I'd love to hear from you!

Twilight News

Twilight Guy Kaleb Nation interviews Robert Pattinson on what he thinks are good things guys can take from Edwards personality and incorperate them into their own, and of course Rob had nothing but BRILLIANT things to say, when you can understand what he's saying..... >_<

I hate to sound like I'm bashing Rob, 'casuse I'm really supportive of all the cast, but he really just doesn't interview well. >_<>

In other news the Twilight TV spots have been coming out and dazzling all who watch them! Here's a video with all of them,

plus I think this one is new, and I screamed for about ten minutes when i first saw it!!!! it's SOOO AMAZING you guys! Seriously, watch it!!

Also 2 scenes have been released, 1 that we've seen bits in pieces of from trailers etc. and one that we haven't which aired on ABC Family during the Season Finally of Greek.

EW is going to have interviews up with Taylor Laughtner (Jacob) and Robert Pattinson (Edward) soon, and their asking for YOUR questions! Go leave a comment for your favorite Twilight guy, OR comment on both articles!

Twilight Tours by Hot Topic is a tour featuring a bunch of Twilight stars, and their coming to a city near you! Click the link to find out more from the lexicon!

Also, Hot Topic has gone on a twilight Frenzy and they now have tons of shirts, featuring all the main characters, and one that says "Stupid lamb", as well as new pins!

OMEDWARD! Freaking out over here! So much new Twilight merch. so little cash! e_e And the couple tote?? OME2! *_*


Monday, October 13, 2008


Omagosh, Twilight News!

Peter Facinelli has updated him Myspace with a new picture of Carlile with a patient, below.

MTV has an article up about the running time of Twilight, which is 2 hour! WHOO! (2 and a half would've been great but I'll take what I can get! At least it's not squashed into 1 and a half! O_O It's niiiicccceee and looonnnggg!!!! ^_^ Anyways.... woot!)

A girl named Maggie has a blog on blogspot called "I'm Still Wandering", which she basically started as a way to keep her family up to date with the happenings in her life as she was going to college, doing a PhD at Bangor University in Wales, UK, studying fantasy literature adaptations. (How cool is that?? *has died* Dream job!)

Anyways, Maggie is a huge Twilight fan, and somehow, through a whole series of events, she got to observe on the set of Twilight!!!!


......HOLY......... CROW........



Anyways..... She has a few blogs about that here ====>

OK, so that's more then a few I guess :P, but you can read them, or not. Either way you should still check out Maggie's blog (Because it's made of awesome!) and give her some good ol' Twilighter love/support, cause that's just the way we roll, right? ;)


Saturday, October 11, 2008


Here we go!

Some new Twilight stills here, featuring this little beauty!

The Edward Doll is now available in Europe!!!! It's soooo cute! >_<

Hot Topic has a new Twilight shirt reading, "Your scent is like a drug to me."

You can get Twilight posters, bookmarks, and t-shirts at Borders!

There's a picture of Rob and Kristen in Entertainment Weekly that looks like it must have been shot at the smae shoot as the ones in the issue that had twilight on the cover. Not sure posting the actual scan of the picture is allowed so I'll look into it for future reference, but here's the cover so you'll know what to look for.

Have you Seen the V-man picture yet? GOLD!

This new (amazingly cute) Picture of Cam (Who plays James)?

And the New Poster?


TwiGirly vv